Monday, September 7, 2009

The Hero lies on you

Heroes are not born but are made, the word hero has many definitions. Many see this in different perspective. To some, heroes are those people who stand out to rescue where others would have given out. Some define them as their mentors or role modes and to others, those people who stand out of the crowd to do super natural actions for others without having any gain for themselves.
As the title states ’’ the hero lies in you’’ one great singer in the names of Maria Carrey sang about it her song called the hero. The truth is, in this day-to-day life, life is hard. You reach a point when you can not see any light or future ahead of you. You say to your self, l have tried every thing, but all in vain. Tried every thing but all in vain. Then you start to imagine if one day those so called heroes can come to your rescue. There are moments like this, but are facts about life, always happen in life.
Deep inside you, there is a sleeping giant, a hero. Who just need only awakening or searching it within you. During moments when you feel your last hope is gone, that`s the right to squeeze out your level best potential. Usually we do not deliver on top of our capacity, and this is caused by the comfort zone and contentment we are in. Also the assurances that l will be bailed out.
Now comes a hard point when these people who usually bail out are not in place to help
Does this mean that you are going to give in, No.There is always an answer to any condition only when we fill we can do some thing. We can always be what we want to be in life when we decide it and follow these principles. Positive thinking, working hard, having a goal, a vision, being focused, pesistentance and believing our selves.
With only those few principles one can became a completely reformed person. It does not mater what level of education results. All those who have applied these principles are testifying success. There is always a renewed hope and, internal refreshment and, a soft voice that will keep telling you that will shall reach the end.
Then you will stand out of the crowd with a big inside with you in whatever situation that’s gets your way.
Awake your Hero, he lies in you.

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